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Showing posts from April, 2017

The Best Laid Plans

My oldest homestead trainee is 9.5 so I've basically been a full-time mom since she was born. I worked outside the home for the first 4 years of her life but when my job was going to cut my hours to part-time, we decided that staying home was a better choice for our then 4 and 2 year old girls. So I haven't had many days off for the last 5.5 years until this year. A fellow 4K mom asked if we could child swap so she wouldn't have to pay for daycare an extra day. I take her son on Tuesdays and she takes mine on Wednesdays. For the last 8 months, Wednesdays have been "me days".  Today's "me day" to-do list involved planting peas and unpacking more boxes.  But... I woke up with a sore throat. It felt like strep and strep has been spreading like wildfire this year. I considered myself lucky to avoid it. Except now I'm not so lucky. I wouldn't have gone to see the doctor but my right tonsil had a huge (raisin size) blood blister looking